13,39 Km
53 min

13,39 km cycling route from Langeac to Prades

Your adventure along the Via Allier cycle route now takes a distinctly different turn. The way you’ve already ridden along may seem long, but it’s been pretty easy going so far, compared with the journey undertaken by wild salmon coming this far up the river from the Atlantic Ocean. Now, however, the views narrow and the Allier Gorges stand before you, rocky and wild in aspect, with the odd picturesque village dotted along the way. Do take the time to visit Chanteuges, with its abbey perched on a long-solidified section of lava flow, and Saint-Julien-des-Chazes, with its chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Also don’t miss Prades, the highlight along this stage, overlooked by the Roche Servière, which offers a spectacular natural show on volcanology. This stage is only suitable for seasoned cyclists or those on e-bikes.

Elevation of the stage

141 m 89 m

Waytypes of the stage

By road: 13,39 km

Surface of the stage

Lisse: 13,39 km

The Via Allier route from Lavoûte-Chilhac to Prades

The Via Allier cycle route leads you out of Langeac along the D585 road, climbing to the villages of Chanteuges and Saint-Arcons-d'Allier. Next, change bank to follow the D48, a narrower road that takes you as far as Prades, bringing you ever closer to the Allier River. Take care crossing the bridges on this stage as well as at the places where you need to cross over or under the railway line. 

Don't miss

Chanteuges: the 12th-century abbey, added to in the 15th century, but retaining Romanesque capitals, the abbot’s chapel and the remnants of the cloister; the perched village with its cobbled lanes; the Conservatoire National du Saumon Sauvage (on wild salmon).
Saint-Arcons-d'Allier: the perched village; the 14th-to-15th-century church; the historic priory; the 15th-century tower; the gardens and terraces.
Saint-Julien-des-Chazes: the 15th-century church containing a 12th-century Virgin in Majesty; the vestiges of the Abbey of Les Chazes; the 13th-century Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Chazes beside the Allier.
Prades: a village built amidst granite and basalt rocks, overseen by the Roche Servière (90m in height); the basalt columns; the riverside beach; the Romanesque church; and vestiges of the feudal château.

Railway station

Langeac : Line TER Clermont-Ferrand <> Langogne

Accommodation on the stage

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